Every Buffy Episode Graded & Ranked

Bynnie & Thee Jet
48 min readJun 26, 2018


I’ve watched Buffy start to finish many times and this is MY ranking of all of the episodes. Click the links below for simplified ranks.

Buffy Ranking with No Details
Cut to the Chase ^^^

Buffy Episodes by Grade
Just graded, not ranked ^^^

Buffy Episodes Ranked by Season
Ranked worst to best within seasons^^


Each episode is ranked (overall) and Graded by overall quality as follows:
A=Best, B=Great, C=Good/Neutral, D=Cheesy, But Ok, F=Skip It

Grade F= Skip It

144. Him S7.E6

So, while this episode does have some shining moments, (No guy is worth your life, Anya robbing the bank etc.) Overall, this episode is downright the worst. WORST. For one, the mystical energy here is a jacket? Two, if its so powerful and has been passed down, why has there never been an issue before? Dawn was going to kill herself? Buffy basically having sex with a student, I can’t even name all the ways this episode grosses me out.

143. Beer Bad S4.E5

PSA: Don’t drink beer? I dislike this episode so much. The only moment I can stand to watch is when Willow catches Parker in his act.

142. I Robot, You Jane S1.E8

PSA: Don’t date on the interweb majiggy. I wish I could rate this better because it’s our first appearance of Ms. Calendar but I just can’t even watch this episode, it’s too corny.

141. Doublemeat Palace S6.E12

Two words: WIG LADY. Ugh what an awful episode.

140. Shadow S5.E8

Before I get all kinds of hate mail… I am sorry if you are a big fan of Season 5. You should probably stop reading now because I’m not and you’ll be really disappointed to see where most of season 5 ranks. This episode is so unbelievably dumb in my opinion and I’m sorry, if you love it- it’s ok to have different tastes.

139. Into the Woods S5.E10

I cannot stand how in love with Riley, Xander is in this episode… Riley sucks but this was a terrible and stupid way to have him leave the show.

138. Go Fish S2.20

PSA: Don’t date do steroids. I skip it, but I do actually appreciate the effort to include the Universal Monsters such as “The Creature from the Black Lagoon” and Buffy smashing the patriarchy at the beginning in the form of some swim jocks face to his steering wheel.

137. Bewitched, Bothered & Bewildered S2.E16

I’m not gonna sugar coat it, I dislike Xander and this episode is big ol’ skip it for me. It’s more of a wet dream gone wrong than an episode worth watching.

136. Inca Mummy Girl S2.E4

I guess no one ever wondered what happened to the real Ampata? Too much about this feels forced and doesn’t make any sense. I could just be biased against Xander-centric episodes.

135. Teacher’s Pet S1.E4

PSA: Don’t have sex with your teacher — she might be a giant bug? RIP the one nice teacher Buffy ever had :(

134. Some Assembly Required S2.E2

Teenage mad scientists? Frankenstein? Cue my eyeroll.

133. Dead Man’s Party S3.E2

I hate how everyone gangs up on Buffy in this episode but worse she barely stands up for herself. It’s pretty brutal to watch these zombies/pet cemetery wanna bes crashing the party. SKIP!

Grade D=Pretty Cheesy, But Still Okay

So these episodes are probably cheesy or technically bad, but have some redeeming qualities that keep me from skipping them, such as a great moment between characters, an awesome monster, an introduction to a character or origin story.

132. All the Way S6.E6

Barely squeaking into this category, All the Way is easily the worst Halloween episode- the reason it makes the cut is the foreshadowing of Xander losing his eye, some great storyline misdirection and Spike coming down on the corny teen vamps for not respecting Halloween.

131. The Zeppo S3.E13

As I mentioned: I dislike Xander in every way. So, a Xander-centrip episode would normally be an imediate skip for me. However, it’s actually the side storyline that I love in this episode and the lack of inclusion of Xander. I think they do a good job of keeping me laughing here and there.

130. Puppet Show S1.E9

This is our first intro to Snyder. I don’t LOVE Sid the talking dummy/demon hunter but there are some pretty gruesome/surprising moments in this episode that keep me interested, over all it barely made the grade but it’s ok.

129. Living Conditions S4.E2

Kathy is probably one of the worst mosters of the week and this episode is lame but its not entirely unwatchable, there are some really funny moments.

128. Blood Ties S5.E13

This epsiode makes the cut because it showcases Spike & Dawn’s relationship. Otherwise, I actually really hate this whole season and the blatant way they try to make everything about “Family” with Dawn. It’s a little too in my face. This episode is obnoxious. I hate Ben and how they somehow keep ending up in his prescence. Like they didn’t know him before but now that some hellgod that lives inside him is looking for your made up sister, he’s your BFF. What are the odds that ONE human who you can’t be near, not only lives in Sunnydale but works at the hospital where your mom is being treated.

127. Hell’s Bells S6.E16

I hate a lot about this episode, but it is worth watching because it does have some great moments. Buffy and Spike trying to make each other jealous, Willow and Buffy trying to save the wedding, Anya reciting her vows etc.

126. Tough Love S5.E19

There is just too much going on that annoys the crap out of me in this episode. Dawn being a brat, Willow trying to fight Glory, Tara blurting out that Dawn is the key, right when Glory is there… but all that said, I fault the storyline not the acting.

125. Spiral S5.E20

So, this one is another pretty hard episode for me get behind. The chase scene with the horses and the RV, the weird knights or whatever, the scoobies inviting Ben into the space… but I kind of love Spike in this episode.

124. Out of My Mind S5.E4

Spike is trying to get his chip removed, Riley is going physically crazy.. not much to discuss here. Its got some funny moments.. Harmony and the no smoking sign being my favorite.

123. Intervention S5.E18

I hate BUFFYBOT and I hate that just a few episodes earlier they can all see that OBVIOUSLY April is a robot but they can’t tell that their best friend is robot… a little irritating. That being said, there are some really funny moments here between Buffybot and the scoobies.

122. The Replacement S5.E3

I like the concept of this storyline. I like that you follow one half of Xander and it’s so believable that the Xander who seems normal is actually evil.

121. I was Made to Love You S5.E15

This episode would be an absolute skip episode if it weren’t for Joyce. They make her so entirely lovable just to kill her at the end. Her going out on a date “Storyline” is so cute and I’m glad she got some before she died. lol.

120. Storyteller S7.E16

I don’t love Andrew. I was a big Jonathan fan and so I can’t forgive him for killing off my favorite side character… but I like interactions here between Buffy and Andrew.

119. The Freshman S4.E1

Sorry those of you who love this episode. I just don’t. I don’t love anything about it, except for the new character that they kill off right away and the fact that they introduce the initiative right away.

118. Consequences S3.E15

Faith killed the Deputy Mayor and she doesn’t care. The only thing I like about this episode is that it begins the relationship between Angel and Faith and eventually opens the door for him to help her seek redemption in the Show Angel. I actually love the dynamic between the two of them and their story arc. They help to save each other.

117. The Pack S1.E6

This episode is crazy corny BUT they eat Principal Flutie and thats kind of a can’t miss moment. I also like the way the episode is done, even though the storyline is kind of campy.

116. Crush S5.E14

This episode is sort of tedious to me. Spike being a creepy stalker is sort of skeevy and I do like the crossover of Dru from Angel to Buffy but overall its kind an unneccesary episode.

115. Goodbye Iowa S4.14

Riley is unstable because of his super drugs or something, blah blah we meet Adam and in this episode and this episode alone, he is terrifying to me. He literally kills a little boy. The other reason not to skip, is Tara purposly ruining the demon finding spell because she thinks she is a demon.

114. Homecoming S3.E5

I like some elements of this episode but overall it’s a really out of place episode. Cordelia is acting like S1 Cordy for some reason and it feels just really unbelievable. Willow and Xander kiss? This storyline is the worst. Slayerfest 98? Could be fun but overall it’s disappointing. I think Cordelia does shine a bit toward the end but also, it’s ruined by how rude she is earlier on in the episde.

113. Prophecy Girl S1.E12

I’m 16, I don’t wanna die

Another episode that reminds me how much I hate Xander. He is so pushy and honestly- I don’t feel like there is ever a time in the series when he actually respects Buffy. From second one- she is a conquest and he never gets over the fact that he can’t have her. But of course he comes to save the day at the end — overriding the prophecy. This is easily my least favorite series finale. But, it’s the first season finale and it’s jam packed with fun lines. So, I can’t hate it too much.

Grade C= Good Episodes

These Episodes are Good Sodes. I will throw on any one of them and enjoy myself. They aren’t super emotional or critically acclaimed but they get it done.

112. Killer in Me S7.E13

This episode almost didn’t make it this far. In fact, if it weren’t for the Spike storyline, this episode would be graded F for skip it. I can’t stand Kennedy and I hate her and Willow together. BUT, I LOVE this turning point for Spike and Buffy. I also tend to give extra kudos to an ep that can scare me- and the creepy mole monster in the initiative is what my nightmares are made of, so underrated as a scary monster of the week.

111. Beauty & the Beasts S3.E4

Somehow, I secretly love this episode, despite the campy, corny after-school special about domestic violence and how badly they choose to do Dr. Jeckle Mr. Hyde. Mainly, I love it because its the return of Angel, as a beast. A beast who has been in a hell dimension for god knows how long. They have both been to hell and back and now they are reunited. I can’t pass up an opportunity to see that kind of emotion. I do hate that Angel saves Buffy but I was also completely thrown by it and the surprise was welcome.

110. Reptile Boy S2.E6

Ok, ok. I KNOW how campy this episode is and how LAME the Machida/Frat cult is. BUT, I secretly LOVE this episode because I feel like it has such an important message/story about what it’s like to be a young girl and how you can’t let your guard down — further I LOVE that Buffy saves herself, rather than Xander or Angel, despite whatever Cordy might think.

109. Bad Eggs S2.12

Another cheesy episode, usually makes into the lists of “Worst” episodes- I happen to like this one a lot. It’s very invasion of the Body Snatchers, so it’s fun but mostly I love how badass Buffy looks when she comes out of the Bezoar.

108. The Initiative S4.E7

Spike in a cell at the initiative is my favorite way to introduce the camandos. His escape, even better. It’s the start of my favorite storyline- Spike (Evil as hell) joining the scoobies.

107. No Place Like Home S5.E5

I dislike season 5 quite a lot but this episode is actually kind of cool, minus Glory. I like that Buffy starts to catch on to whats happening and that Dawn isn’t real. I like the double camera-work that goes on when she casts the spell that shows how reality was altered.

106. The “I” in Team S4.E13

Buffy patrols in this halter regularly and then she takes down the sewer demons and embarrasses Maggie Walsh, who then gets murdered by her own creation… pretty exciting. Also, Spike is on the run from the camandos and the scoobies step up and help for some reason.

105. As You Were S6.E15

Its not the best episode in the world. Most people hate Riley’s return and his new wife… but I think this ties in so well with the theme of season 6. While Season 1–5 explored vampires, demons, humans who become demons, humans versus demons and even a “hellgod,” Season 6 explores the demons within humanity. This episode is such a brilliant way to highlight how deeply engulfed in her demons, Buffy has become. That being said… Spike turning out to actually be “the doctor” was so dumb.

104. Older & Far Away S6.E14

Halfrek, ALL DAY. Clem ALL DAY. Tara yelling at Anya, ALL DAY. Demons that melt into their own swords after they die and disapear into the walls? ALL DAY. I AM HERE FOR THOSE THINGS. However, Dawn is under my skin in this episode, so it can get really annoying at times and the random side characters are kind of weak.

103. Potential S7.E12

Yes, I know we all hate the potentials. This episode however, is not only fun and exciting but also inspiring in some ways. Its one of the only times I don’t hate Xander (when he gives Dawn that speech) and helps me come around on Dawn. Plus, I actually love Amanda and wish they focused less on Kennedy and more on her.

102. Dirty Girls S7.E18

This episode starts out so great, and if we completely cut out the disgusting wet dream Xander has about the potentials, it could even be considered an excellent episode. Faith and Willow return from a crossover of Angel, after helping to reensoul him and eventually Buffy takes the whiney girls into battle, where Xander loses an eye.

101. Never Kill a Boy on the First Date S1.E5

Will they won’t they! Buffy and Angel’s mantra. Enter Owen, at first a cute but eventually sort of disturbed teenage boy and possibly a serial killer (ie: Sunnydale Stacks Podcast) and we also see the rise of the Annointed One. I like the misdirection in this episode and there are some pretty awesome moments, if the apocalypse comes beep me.

100. Checkpoint S5.E12

Down to the TOP 100. I’m probably the only one who doesn’t hate the coucil. I love this episode. There are so many fun moments between the council and Tara and Willow, Joyce and Spike, Giles and Quentin, but what makes this episode shine is the end where Buffy tells it like it is and then throws that sword, thats one of my favorite moments in the series.

99. First Date S7.E14

Ashanti going out with Xander, and turning out to be a demon is kind of worth dealing with him in this episode. I love the misdirect on the Principal and finding out his backstory. I just love that he is Nikki Wood’s son and that Spike killed his mother.

98. Help S7.E4

Enter Cassie. I like this episode a lot. It could definately be a corny/hokey episode for sure, but the message is so important. I like that Buffy can’t save Cassie and how hard she tries. It’s reminiscent of Final Destination a little bit but it kind of serves an important role in the season, that Buffy must learn that she can’t save everyone.

97. Faith, Hope, Trick S3.E3

Buffy’s dreams about Angel are so amazing. More importantly, I like Faith, hate Scott and LOVE Mr. Trick. This is a great opening episode to at least two of those characters. Faith’s introduction is flawless. Buffy leaves her ring at the mansion only for Angel to fall from hell and HE’S BACK.

96. New Moon Rising S4.E19

I love Oz, but this episode is not my favorite. For one, why does it seem like werewolves only seem to be a problem when Oz is around. Oz has been gone and there have been ZERO attacks, but he comes back and it’s a problem — they do it to death (Phases, Beauty and the Beasts, Wild at Heart). Further, it physically upsets me that Willow chooses Tara over Oz. I know thats controversial. I love Tara (well later on I do) but I’ll never love Tara and Willow the way I loved Oz and Willow. This episode crushes me everytime.

95. Seeing Red S6.E19

Oh man. this episode. Let me put aside the rape scene for a moment. Warren and Buffy going head to head is probably the best face off for me among the many monsters she fights. Maybe because he is human (ensouled) and is still so unbelievably evil. Jonathan saving Buffy is incredible (I love him so much). Now the rape scene… it’s so difficult to watch. It’s awful. I wish it didn’t happen. But also, I hate that Xander HAD to be the one to witness the aftermath. Tara’s death was awful, I almost forget that Buffy almost dies. Ending with Willow’s red eyes and opening up for my favorite Big Bad.

94. Family S5.E6

This episode… it’s a little cheesy. But it’s well written and I like the backstory on Tara. It fits with the theme throughout S5 that focuses heavily on Family. That being said, I’m not a huge Tara fan at this point… I have a hard time relating to her because she is so timid and meek.

93. Smashed S6.E9

I love Season 6. Amy returns and I love the scenes of her and Willow at the Bronze. Meanwhile, I fall in love with Tara and Dawn’s relationship. I also love how this episode rolls into the next and we get to see how irresponsible Buffy and Willow are being.

92. Never Leave Me S7.E9

This Spike storyline was so shocking to me and I really enjoyed how the First was able to manipulate him. This episode kept me on my toes. You think Anya is making headway with Andrew and then Spike attacks him. Is the Principal evil? Why is he burying poor Jonathan? Then the Council explodes and I just did not expect that- I can’t imagine having to wait for the next episode.

91. End of Days S7.E21

End of Days is pretty on point. Buffy is redeemed and gets her scythe and rushes off to save the girls. She is humble in not blaming Faith for (not listening to her) and she begins planning her attack. The lead up to this finale is actually really fun. Anya gives a great speech about humanity and ANGEL shows up but not to help, just to spectate and Buffy kicks Calebs ass.

90. Get it Done S7.E15

I think this is probably one of the most underrated episodes. I always forget about it, despite how exciting and empowering it is, it leaves you feeling unresolved and uneasy. There is a crazy monster from ancient Africa, there is this bomb shadow box, there is Spike getting his edge back, and Willow pissing off Kennedy. Its kind of on point.

89. Gone S6.E11

Cue Justin Timberlake because baby girl Buffy’s gone. I LOVE this episode. I love the arc of Buffy throughout the episode and I love how she makes the Social Worker seem crazy while she’s invisible. I have a love/hate relationship with the trio.

88. Doomed S4.E11

It’s just DOOMED. FUN SODE. Right after Hush where Riley and Buffy find each other out and Buffy really just wanted someone normal. But we go back to the Hellmouth, which I love. Spike in that Hawaiian shirt and him getting pumped about being able to fight demons , is also incredible.

87. The Gift S5.E22

This is my least favorite Season finale. I have such issues with Season 5 as a whole and I feel like this episode just dissapoints me. I know how many people love it and I’m not saying you should skip it or that it’s badly written- but the overall theme that Buffy should sacrifice herself bothers me. To me its an overdone trope that women sacrifice themselves for the good of others — and I mean a male superhero would never be given a story where the only way to save the world is for him to kill himself. Finally, it doesn’t make rational sense to me that Buffy would do this — there is no way to know if it would actually work or not. Yeah Buffy and Dawn share the same “blood” but the blood doesn’t make Dawn the key, it just makes her human, she was the key before the blood, so I can’t see Buffy killing herself to save Dawn unless she knew 100% that it would actually work. I could write a whole page about my issues with this eisode but I won’t.

86. Real Me S5.E2

So, I am one of the stereotypical fans who does not like Dawn at all. At first glance, I might instinctually put this episode in the skip pile but this is my favorite Harmony episode. I really love her getting her confidence and being badass in her own “Dim-witted” way. The thing about Harmony is she is just trying to find herself, throughout the whole series. I relate to that, even if I don’t relate to the way she acts or the things she says and I feel like this moment is a shining one for her charachter.

85. Harvest S1.E2

This episode has some great moments. Specifically, Buffy tricking Luke to distract him and staking him. She really comes into her own here and I think its a great series opener, despite the drawbacks of limited resources.

84. Ted S2.E1

Beg to differ

So, I had divorced parents and an awful mentally abusive stepmother. This episode speaks to me. I think the first time I watched it, I cheered out loud when Buffy kills Ted. So, I understand why people would hate the episode but I mean, come on! John Ritter is unbelievable! I think it also would have been cool if they nixed the robot thing and just made him a serial killer but I do love some elements of the robot thing (mainly when he malfunctions).

83. Out of Sight, Out of Mind S1.E11

Marcy, the invisible girl because no one loved her. Its kind of a corny episode but I like some aspects of the storyline and I especially love the end. I wish they had done something with this storyline in season 4. It would have worked so well to pair invisible assasins with the initiative.

82. Flooded S6.E4

While, I’ve never died after my mom had died and been reawakened to a mountain of debt…I have been financially independent pretty much since I could work. Season 6, really goes into the darkness of humanity and I love that they start out their exploration with this episode- it’s not scary in the classical sense but the stress and feelings of inadequacy that accompany trying to support yourself are so true to life and I love that they explore that throughout the series.

81. Triangle S5.E11

I hate Willow in this episode. But I LOVE ANYA. I Love her backstory- my only tiny quibble is that I don’t understand why Olaf doesn’t call her Aud. I think Olaf is really funny, also, which is not a popular opinion.

80. The Weight of the World S5.E21

I killed my sister

Oh man. I am really not a fan of season 5 at all. But this episode is one that really moves me. I have a little sister and so I just imagine the guilt Buffy is feeling and the helplessness at losing the sister she loves and is trying so hard to protect. Her reaction is so human, her fears are debilatating and I can’t imagine any other response. I literally cry every time I watch this episode (more than I do watching the Gift) because I can’t imagine losing my sister. Buffy is so strong but even the strongest among us have a breaking point and thats why I love this episode.

79. Lessons S7.E1

It’s about POWER. This is such an underrated season opener. Mostly because of the weird ghost/zombies that ruin the theme here. Lessons, Willow is getting a lesson from Giles, Buffy is giving a lesson to Dawn, Halfrek is schooling Anya and Sunnydale High is open for business. Finally, we have this amazing scene with the First Evil, literally morphing into all (except Angelus) our previous Big Bads, mirroring the lessons they all are learning- IT’S ABOUT POWER.

78. Becoming Part 1 S2.E21

Kendra appears (I wish she had come sooner tbh) and by the end she is dead. Angel’s accent is just awful in these flashbacks, but I love Drusilla’s origin story. I HATE Whistler and I find his entire character unneccesary, so it sort of dampens the moments here. Not much else to say here about this one, oh except that these are the episodes where I really start to love Spike.

77. Revelations S3.E7

I fancy this episode. I this its so necessary to Faith’s story arc. She gets fooled by a rogue watcher and while the glove of myneghon is pretty lame, it does give us the opportunity to see some living flame which is cool. Everyone ragging on Buffy about Angel is obnoxious (ESPECIALLY Xander) but it’s worth it for that scene where they are doing Thai Chi (hubba hubba).

76. Witch

For S1 this episode is actually pretty great. It’s slightly corny but there are some moments that are actually kind of terrifying and Buffy almost dies. There is some fantastic acting in this one, we meet Amy and I was kept on my toes pretty much the whole episode. Plus, I appreciate the callback to the episode in later seasons.

75. Harsh Light of Day S4.E3

This episode is so relatable. Man, men are the worst. I feel the pain of Harmony, Anya and Buffy. But it’s also a great Spike episode and it crosses over to one of my favorite Angel episodes.

74. What’s My Line Part 1 S2.E9
73. What’s My Line Part 2 S2.E10

I feel like these two episodes are basically one. Buffy getting attacked by the order of tarakka and killing an assasin with a skate is on point. The misdirection about Kendra (you think she’s evil but she isn’t!) I love the fight they have and then are both like wha? no I’m the slayer! I love the bug man, he is creepy. But mostly, I love Oz saving Willow and their dialogue at the end of the conversation.

72. Bargaining Part 1 S6.E1

So, I like this episode. I think it’s neccesary to the storyline and important to understanding how they could bring Buffy back and how Willow could fall into magic later in the season. It wraps up a lot of loose ends that would be created by bringing Buffy back.

71. Earshot S3.E18

So, this episode is chock full of good stuff but its also full of plotholes and cornyiness. So Jonathan was gonna shoot himself with a rifle? Thats so far fetched, and last minute it turns out Xander was right about the lunch lady? Kind of dumb. But it does have Jonathan (who i love) being vulnerable and a great moment between him and Buffy, as well as it features the superpower I have always wanted, the ability to read minds. I’m sad she couldn’t find a way to control it but also realize that would change the way the show goes.

Grade B= Great Episodes

Now we are getting into my favorite episodes, UNSKIPPABLE episodes.

70. Phases S2.E15

Bend the patriarchy Buffy!

So, I love Oz. I love werewolves (Well sort of), I love Buffy smashing the patriarchy (via the hunter), I LOVE Larry and I love science (and the incorporation of the phases of the moon). So for me, it’s a pretty awesome episode. Minus the terrible werewolf costume.

69. Surprise S2.E13

Introducing the Judge, and while I do love some parts of this episode (Oz seeing his first vamp, Cordy making the dip etc., Jenny maybe being a little too mysterious) I hate the part where Angel is going to leave blah blah- but hey then they bone and in the moment after concemating their love, when he lays there with his lover in his arms, he is truly happy and then BOOM! Something is wrong… #losthissoul

68. Beneath You S7.E2

I like the double meaning in this ep. From Beneath You It Devours- but also Xander (demon magnet) meets a lady who is being chased by one of the monster worms from Tremors (starring Kevin Bacon), a so called Sluggoff demon. Spike has got a soul now — and this episode gives me my favorite Spike scene- the cross scene. Completely amazing.

67. Lovers Walk S3.E8

Spike returns to Sunnydale and he just has an epic performance. He is completely a slave to his love from Dru, who claims he loves the slayer (who is a slave to her love for Angel and vice versa) and if that isn’t enough of a soap opera for you, Willow and Xander are kidnapped and cheat on Oz (WHAT ARE YOU DOING WILLOW) and Cordelia who falls through the steps and is impaled. This is a high drama episode. #MustSeeTV

66. Wrecked S6.E10

This is not one of the classically beloved episodes but if you haven’t figured me out yet, you soon will- I love to have my heebies jeebied. S6 is just so dark. I KNOW how corny the magic=drug addiction storyline is but I love it anyway. I like the charachter of Rack, the drug dealer, because he really does remind me drug dealers whom I’ve known (Aside from being pretty old, though he’s got that warlock energy going) and he creeps me out, plus that monster (metaphor for a hallucination from LSD maybe?) is one of the creepiest.

65. Listening to Fear S5.E9

Not however, creepier than the Queller demon. I will say that the one thing about this episode that bugs me is that we assume no one has peripheral vision… it’s literally on the ceiling… a dog sized slug type monster in a busy hospital and no one sees it… but anyway… it leads to some of the more intensly thrilling scenes in the show.

64. Buffy vs. Dracula S5.E1

If it weren’t Dracula, I’d probably hate this episode, BUT IT IS. SO I LOVE IT. Incorporating vampire myth/legend into this episode that hasn’t previously been addressed is my absolute favorite thing. Xander being a bugeater and no one noticing, Giles having lusty time with the vampirettes-amazing, Buffy overcoming the Dark Master’s thrall, empowering… but best of all… they actually make sense of this episode with the theory that Dracula came to Sunnydale to get Buffy’s blood so the monks could create Dawn. And while, I’m no fan of S5 or Dawn, I actually like this little tidbit.

63. The Yoko Factor S4.E20

Spike tries to break up the band and it leads to some very funny moments. Giles getting drunk is hilarious, but the arc of the episode is such a testament to how strong of leader and how smart Buffy actually is. She figures it all out and brings the whole scooby gang back together. Plus there is that great moment between Angel and Riley which I LOVE. “You actually sleep with this guy” I die every single time.

62. Superstar S4.E17

What a neat way to deal with the happenings of “Who Are You?” because I was like UGH here we go I gotta deal with mundane dialogue between Buffy and Riley now about Faith blahhhh BUT no, instead they make a JONATHAN episode and its funny and cute, leads to pertinent info about Adam and adds more evidence to the fact that Xander is absolutely in the closet gay. AND HONESTLY, I wish he would just come out- because I would probably like him so much more! The biggest issues I have with him are the ways he treats women in his life and I feel like thats due in part to his insecurities and need to try to show everyone he’s “masculine.” Like give it a rest… we get it.

61. Forever S5.E17

Spike helps Dawn try to bring back her mom (I’m not crying you are). The way they explore grief in this episode is amazing. Spike does just everything he can to protect and help Dawn and I just have to love this bond. Meanwhile, Angel is in town. It doesn’t get much better than that. By the end, I’m bawling because Buffy finally shows her weakness and Dawn has to be strong.

60. Bad Girls S3.E14

RIP Allan Finch. Welcome Wesley. This episode is fun and it might be my favorite Faith episode in Buffy (Not in Angel). Buffy and Faith actually getting along and kicking ass, Faith being a bad influence, Buffy being a good influence, they had the potential to sort of balance each other out. Willow is jealous, Xander is awkward, Angel is hot hot hot. Wesley is nerdy, Giles is funny and the Mayor is my second favorite Big Bad.

59. Bring on the Night S7.E10

Callback to Amends, A new vamp Buffy can’t manage to kill, Spike’s being tortured by bringers, the First is truly scary in this episode and we end on one of Buffy’s best speeches. The only thing about this episode is how annoying the potentials are throughout.

58. Lies My Parents Told Me S7.E17

THIS EPISODE. It’s intense. For one, the flashback Spike has of his mother is so cringe-worthy. But Giles betraying Buffy is worse.

57. Choices S3.E10

Another good episode in S3, but this time Faith is a BAD girl. I love the episodes that show the relationship between Faith and the Mayor. He is evil but he is compassionate and loving toward Faith in a fatherly way. Also, Willow staking a vamp with a pencil is pretty much my favorite slay in S3.

56. Entropy S6.E18

I don’t know why I love this episode so much. Maybe it’s because Xander gets his or the fact that Anya and Spike are just so relatable in their despair. Plus Halfrek oh and Willow and Tara get back together.

55. Lie to Me S2.E7

So, I sort of love the play on vampire fetishists. I like Ford as a charachter, I wish they had introduced him earlier so that his betrayal would have been more unexpected. I love Angel in this episode and I love the introduction of Chanterelle/Lily/Anne. I think the overall message in this episode is also really inspiring, about choices and doing what is right even if it is not the most convenient thing.

54. Touched S7.E20

I have to be honest, The Spuffy vibe here is just so much for me. But also, Faith and all those bitches (including Xander and Giles) getting theres after they shun Buffy is so satisfying.

53. Doppelgangland S3.E16

Vampire Willow is back! Anya seems so much more badass in the episode than in future episodes. I love the moment where Angel thinks Willow is dead. Overall, this episode is so fun and I love the callback to The Wish, which is one of my favorite episodes.

52. Bargaining Part 2 S6.E2

Is this hell? Buffy is back. She’s ripped straight from heaven and brought to hell on earth with no transition. Spike and Dawns relationship is my favorite. Tara killing razor is A++. Dawn saving Buffy makes me cry everytime.

51. The Dark Age S2.E8

Our first delve in Giles’ background, I’m a FAN. There are some pretty bad effects that I overlook in order to fully appreciate this episode. Overall, I love that Jenny evolves into Eyghon and I love any episode with Ethan Rayne.

50. Where the Wild Things Are S4.E18

huBBA Hubba

I have been told this is one is corny AF but honestly I love this episode. First of all, we have a pretty terrifying poltergeist. Second- there is Giles singing. Third ANYA is so badass. I don’t even think I should have to go on, so I won’t.

49. When She Was Bad S2.E1

I really like this season premier. Buffy dealing with the trauma of dying is very important and I like that they don’t just skip over it. I also think the scene with Buffy and Cordelia in the alley is one of my favorite exchanges in the series. Top 10 for sure. It ending with Buffy flipping her hood up and walking away is so sassy and she is so badass there.

48. Grave S6.E22

Oh man. What a finale. I ugly cry EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Its all a little convenient and I hate that Xander is the hero but I don’t at the same time. That moment is so unbearable, where he brings her down with just his love. Plus, I love Dark Willow so much. Other than Glory (Who I despise), She is the only power badass woman villain that we really get to see, who doesn’t have serious flaws that inhibit their power (Looking at you Drusilla). She is actually scary to me, because she is so evil and powerful and you can see she is capable of unspeakable acts.

47. Killed by Death S2.E18

Secretly one of my faves. Der Kindestod is one of the most terrifying monsters in the series. I don’t care that it’s a rip on Nightmare on Elm, that movies is also scary and I like to be scared, so I’m not mad. Plus I love Cordelia in this episode. My biggest issue is the backstory of the dead cousin (very unnecessary).

46. Life Serial S6.E5

SUCH A FUN EPISODE. I know people hate the Trio but I really don’t. How can you hate this episode. We meet Clem, Buffy has that awesome Groundhogs Day scene, time speeds up, Buffy smashes the patriarchy at construction and it keeps me chuckling the whole way through.

45. Empty Places S7.E19

So, as much as I hate watching this episode…it’s so good. I love to hate it. I literally feel the betrayal that is this episode. It evokes so much emotion. PLUS, Spike is great in this episode and I actually love the church scene, uncovering Caleb’s (sort of) origin.

44. Gingerbread S3.E11

Yooo, I did not expect to see Hansel and Gretel but wow. It’s our first intro to the Mayor. The dead kids are chilling. MOO is a great acronym and we get Rat Amy. How could you want more. Best Line: It’s Mr. Sanderson from the BANK!

43. Nightmares S1.E10

So, minus the end with the coach, this is one of the best episodes in season 1. It’s truly terrifying, between ugly man and creepy clowns, the idea that your nightmares can become reality is awful. I will be honest, I for sure can’t imagine a grown man beating a child up the way they make it seem. Way more realistic is a coach who is a pedophile, which would have made a lot more sense to me.

42. Wild at Heart S4.E6

OZ. You have my heart. Even after he cheats on Willow with Veruca… he still has my heart. I hate that he leaves the show, I hate that he cheats, it’s very UN-Oz. But I bawl like a baby every time I watch this one.

41. Sleeper S7.E8

Spike episode, here we goooooo. I personally never saw this coming. He’s feeding, which is terrifying and he doesn’t even know it. But I also think you see how real Spikes love is for Buffy that she is the one who brings him out of his “sleeper” mode. And I think Buffy loves him too a little bit- because she really does have every reason to kill him and then doesn’t.

40. Two to Go S6.E21

So, it’s no secret I love Dark Willow. I love the last three episodes of S6, they are thrilling. Two to go is energetic. Willow fighting Buffy, Anya helping out and putting herelf at risk to keep the spell going that protects the twerps. Willow killing Rack. It’s jam packed. But THEN, I jump out of my seat at the end when Giles shows up.

39. Welcome to the Hellmouth S1.E1

The Series premier…aren’t you just going ooool. For a series premier and a show with like no budget I absolutely love it. The opening kills it and aside from the pretty awful and anti-climactic “cliff hanger” I love just about everything about it.

38. This Year’s Girl S4.E16

So, even though I’m not a superfan of Faith, I concede that her story arc is incredible. I love this episode, I love her story here. While, early on her story is a bit rocky and clunky at parts, this is so straight forward. I feel like I get her, i understand what she is feeling. I especially love the scene with her and Joyce and the cliffhanger ending.

37. Selfless S7.E5

Anya, oh Anya. One, this ep has the most horrific murder scene and one of the most terrifying demons in the series. Two, Anya coming to the realization that she needs to stop depending on men, gets me. Three. That clip from OMWF- cue my broken heart. Four. Halfrek’s death. Five. Buffy calling out Xander on how he’s a hypocrit. Recipe=Perfection.

36. Graduation Day Part 2 S3.E22

I can honestly say, I did not see this finale going the way it did. Enlisting the students, some of whom died (RIP Larry) was brilliant and inspiring. Plus the Mayor is just one of my favorite characters, I would have been bummed if he didn’t ascend. Using Faith’s knife, beautiful… Blowing up the school… BRAVO.

35. Villains S6.E20

This episode is really jarring but it’s exactly what I love about S6. We spend so much time in S1-S5 talking about the things that go bump in the night, the Old Ones, the vampires without a soul, the demons, the mummies, the bodysnatchers, the robot, the invincible demon robot, the magic and spells — but S6 shows you that none of those monsters of the week or Big Bads are nearly as terrifying as the villain within yourself. The evil that lurks into you under the right circumstances. We saw evil in humanity with Warren, the most disgusting and horrible human to be in the show…but then they take Willow, who has been largely the most innocent, harmless, likable and rational of all the characters and they create the circumstances that put her on Warren’s level and then advance beyond. That is what S6 is about — the inner demons of humanity and this episode encapsulates it perfectly.

34. Primeval S4.E21

I love this episode. I don’t care for Adam, though he has his moments. I love their battle scene and I love the spell they do- I love the special effects, I love when she turns the bullet into a dove, I love that she speaks Aramaic or Latin, I love that Buffy prooves that a Slayer is more affective than an army.

33. Dead Things S6.E13

So I did my rant about why I love S6. This episode is a personal fave. One. Warren killing Katrina advances him from nerd to evil. Two. Spike trying to save Buffy. Three. Buffy and Tara. This episode is all about being dead. Katrina is dead, Spike is dead and Buffy wishes she was dead. It’s so dark.

32. Pangs S4.E8

Aside from some obvious tropes and corny stereotypes, this episode is funny and overall enjoyable. Plus Angel. Spike tied up=the best. You made a bear, undo it.

31. A New Man S4.E12

This is my favorite Giles episode. Fave moments include: Giles waking up Xander, Giles chasing Maggie Walsh and Spike recognizing Giles.

30. Who Are You? S4.E16

You can’t do that because it’s naught.

This episode is just about perfect. The body swapping, the great acting on behalf of Eliza and SMG. The way it ends, how it sets up a great crossover into Angel. This episode really allows me to empathize with Faith. She couldn’t just switch bodies with anyone, it had to be Buffy, because Buffy is everything she failed to become as a slayer and as a person. She seems to make fun of Buffy’s morality when she is in her own body but you see she falls in line almost as a rule. First with Joyce, who shows compassion to Faith- and scolds -Faith (in Buffy’s body)- for making crude comments, Faith could have easily stepped out of line but instead fell in line for Joyce. Then when asked to spend time together Faith says count on it, almost longingly. She knows Buffy is busy and could have made an excuse to be cruel to Joyce but chose to be kind. She is cruel to Willow, as childish revenge after hearing Willow talk about Faith, but when Willow tells her to go slay the vampire, she obliges. With Riley, Faith tries to compete with Buffy, being wild and promiscuous but Riley treats her with dignity and respect and I think Faith fell into it because she just was not used to being treated well. It culminates with the vampires in the church. Faith has no reason to go there, except that she isn’t truly bad. She is lost. She wants to be respected like Buffy. She wants to feel good and it wasn’t enough to become Buffy- Buffy had to become Faith. She says she is the one and only slayer- she needs to believe Faith is gone and that she is Buffy. Nothing is sadder than watching Faith unloading on herself, I get choked up watching her physically express her own self hatred and maybe that’s why I love her in Angel.

29. Graduation Day Part 1 S3.E21

I’m starting to think I might subconsciously love Faith. Her evilness in hitting Angel with that poison arrow and the fact that it results in him feeding off Buffy is so sinister. But the real reason I love this episode is that it includes my favorite fight scene. BUFFY vs FAITH. Talk about strong choreography in a fight scene. OHHH and of course, Oz & Will. #swoon ❤

28. Chosen S7.E22

Buffy was the chosen one and then she chose to CHOOSE all the potentials in the world. But in addition to slayers getting all chosen, Spike was chosen as a champion for a higher purpose, Anya was chosen by fate to die, Andrew chosen by fate to live. Buffy chose life when she could have given in to that death wish that spike claims all Slayers have. I like that everyone doesn’t make it, I like that the battle was tough and people are actually hurt. I like that they defeat the First Evil with the help of Spike and Angel. I love how they move Spike to S5 of Angel. Its a good finale.

27. Enemies S3.E17

I really don’t know why I love this episode so much. Maybe it’s the favor Giles’ had, or the fact that they tricked the Mayor and Faith or that its a great way to add to Faith and Angel’s history, which get so complex later. Or maybe it just really tricked me when it came to Angelus. Either way. It’s just great.

26. The Prom S3.E20

The hellhounds are dumb, but everything else is so emotional. I can’t help but ugly cry at Jonathan’s speech.

Grade A++= Best Episodes

These are MY top 25 favorite episodes in the series. Some may be traditionally “great” others I feel are underrated.

25. Same Time, Same Place S7.E3

Gnarl is one of the most terrifying monster in the Buffyverse, def top 5. This episode is awesome. It’s really well done. There are some things in it that are kind of irksome but overall this episode is done well. Spike can see Buffy and Willow but he’s crazy in the school basement, Dawn being paralyzed, Anya helping the scoobies despite being a demon (plus she has some pretty great lines) and just so much about Gnarl is what nightmares are made of.

24. Angel S1.E7

So, objectively the best episode in S1. Darla with the guns is a bit hokey for me but otherwise, the writing is great, the acting is great, the stroyline is on point. It’s a great origin piece. It’s got a special place in my heart because it’s the episode that won me over on Buffy. I watched here and there and caught this on rerun and fell in love.

23. After Life S6.E3

Hope you’re sensing a theme. I LOVE the scary ones. I love Angel and I love Spike. This episode is emotional and terrifying. The moment Spike sees Buffy, his monologue about saving her every night- ugly cry. But then we get this twisted creature- which produces some seriously gasp worthy moments. The scene with Anya and the knife on her face and her laughing is one of the few moments that actually got me to gasp out loud. I love it.

22. Showtime S7.E11

Ok. Not only do I love scary…I love empowering and this episode is both. Eve gets me every time. I always forget about her and I love the manipulation of the potentials to show that Buffy can and will defeat the ubervamp. God and then Buffy saving Spike.. my heart literally melts.

21. Halloween S2.E6

I sure do love Halloween. I love what they do with this episode. I love Ethan Rayne. Willow and Oz ❤ Buffy and Angel❤ Xander getting that useful soldier knowlege. Cordelia rocking a cheetah outfit and being a total badass. There i so much to love here. Oh and Larry ❤

20. Passion S2.E17

This episode is so creepy. Angel stalking/drawing. Oh and RIP. Ms. Calender. I think it’s the way this episode is shot that makes it so powerful. We lose other characters, ones we are more invested in, even (Tara, Anya) but this is so brutal. Passion consumes us all.

19. Innocence S2.E14

Hello, Angelus. This episode is hard to watch because of how much I cringe. Objectivley, it is one of the best episodes. I feel all of Buffy’s pain throughout. I love Angelus in this story arc. He is twisted and evil in such a sadistic way.

18. Tabula Rasa S6.E7

This is the funniest episode in my opinion. I laugh out loud throughout. I love that Giles and Spike think they are related, I love the comparison of Spike to Angel, I love it all. Mostly, I love that Tara leaves Willow. I love that she stands up for herself.

17. Fear, Itself S4.E4

This is my favorite Halloween episode and it really is terrifying to me. I love that peoples fears are getting to them. It also reminds me of that episode of Angel (Have you Now, Or Have You Ever Been), which is my favorite. Clearly, I like the idea of fears coming true in this way.

16. School Hard S2.E3

Spike in the background lurking about

This episode is such a great episode. It’s fun, It’s crazy, It introduces Spike and Dru, they kill the annointed one or Colin or whatever. It’s got some shocks and surprises and some straight up well written moments.

15. Helpless S3.E12

Buffy is 18- reaching out for a father figure and Giles has the father’s love for her- apparently making him useless. Joyce gets kidnapped by Kralick, the serial killer vampire with Mommy issues. I gotta say, I love this episode. Very little Xander and Willow- a nice moment with Cordelia- and some background on the Watchers Council. I do think Giles was silly to tell off Quentin and can’t possibly imagine that being what I thought he would do. If Willow and Xander can stake some vamps- Buffy should be more than capable. I wonder why, but I picked on a couple different little red Riding Hood references in this episode- and it’s funny because in the next halloween episode we see- Buffy is Little Red Riding Hood.

14. Anne S3.E1

So this is the best season opener imo. Buffy is in LA being a mother effing badass woman. I like this edgy scene and I like how Buffys family and the Scoobies are reacting to her absence. Joyce is an asshole in this episode which is my biggest issue with it. I love the return of Chanterell/Lily who becomes Anne in Angel. I love the fact that Buffy visits a hell dimension foreshadowing the return of Angel. I like Ken as a cult leader/demon his Hussle seems so believable- taking people who won’t be missed and turning them into people who are regularly ignored. All in all my biggest complaint in this episode is that it’s only one episode. I would have preferred a two part Anne to S3.E2 Dead Mans Party any day.

13. The Wish S3.E9

I love Cordelia and her arc. I love this episode for so many reasons. I like the rewrite of history and the things they do in with the alternate reality. Also welcome Anya. I love Larry joining the “White Hats” and Oz of course. I am however, confused as to why Giles’ ends up in Sunnydale if Buffy does not end up being his slayer.

12. Amends S3.E10

Every show needs a good Christmas episode and Amends more than does the trick. Angel is being tormented by “The First Evil” for his sins and he’s going crazy. I suppose thats why it makes me sad that he is not involved in the battle against the First in S7. This episode is both creepy, thrilling and moving. Angel has been tormented with his soul for decades but then he meets Buffy and finally begins his path toward redemption only to lose his soul and add to his list of misdeeds and then spend 100+ years in an unfortold hell dimension. It’s nice to see that he has a breaking point. I love that Buffy can’t actually bring him back from his decision and that it’s the snow (the impossible snow) that saves him. #PowersThatBe

11. Band Candy S3.E6

This episode is so unbelievably funny that I don’t really care about the monster of the week. I love Mr. Trick and I love Ethan Rayne. Joyce & Ripper forever, Snyder like Barbarino, Willow that’s a tree, ok little tree..

10. Hush S4.E10

Ok. Unlike so many, I actually don’t find the gentlemen to be especially scary. They are creepy, the guys in straight jackets are actually creepier to me, but I actually love this episode because I think it’s so well written/cherographed, unique, interesting and I love that this where Buffy and Riley find each other out. I also love Olivia (wish they had done more with her) and I like the continuation of the Spike storyline, plus Gile’s slides are the best.

9. Something Blue S4.E9

Easily the funniest episode of Buffy, this episode is clever and unpredictable. I hate Willow throughout the whole episode, with the whining but I still relate to her. Obviously, Spike & Buffy getting married is the absolute funniest storyline in the episode, with just every quip being as funny or funnier than the last and the aftermath still allowing for comedic relief, once it’s all resolved. I could watch this episode over and over again and still laugh.

8. Once More with Feeling S6.E8

I have seen this episode probably 100 times. I hated it at first but grew to love it so much. My only critique being that Dawn seems to be able to keep her secret of being a shoplifter despite the demon having a truth-telling affect. There are some really great moments and I love Spike in this episode.

7. The Body S5.E16

What an amazing episode, so well written. I feel like each character experiences their grief in a different way and it’s showcased perfectly. This episode touches on so many emotions and the entire process of grief from denial to acceptance. RIP Joyce. This episode haunts me.

6. Becoming Part 2 S2.E22

This is the best season finale and often rated as one of, if not, the best episode in the series. Minus Whistler, who is an annoying character, there is a lot about this episode that makes it great. Buffy fleeing a crime scene, not knowing if her friends are okay, being blamed for Kendra’s death, teaming up with Spike (hello what?!), Telling her mom she’s the slayer, getting kicked out of her house, Gile being kidnapped and tortured, finding the strength to finally kill the love of her life who is a psycho killer, a wicked sword fight, realizing she doesn’t need her friends and she is enough on her own, getting the edge and then Willow’s spell going through and restoring Angel’s soul… but it’s too frickin late….. and she has to kill him…. OMG. How can anyone deny the awesomeness that is this amazing epsiode. Cue the tears.

5. Normal Again S6.E17

So from here on, I am expecting to get some flack for my choices. I have thought this through and these are MY favorite episodes. I love this episode so much. I feel like you could rewrite the entire series through the lense that Buffy is actually delusional. Its quenches all of my thirst for answers about inconsistencies it leaves you wondering if it could be true. It takes the skeptics view and it finds a way to make it even creepier. I love it… further, I love it because it showcases Buffy’s stregnth. She came back from heaven to a hellish world where everything is hard and she sinks so deep into despair and self hatred, she has dark feelings about herself and about the world, she is deeply unhappy to the point where she wakes up in a reality where her mom and dad are there and they are going to make it all ok again. But she chooses the hard road, she finds the strength in herself to mentally come back from that world.

4. I Only Have Eyes for You S2.E19

To me, this is one of the most underrated episodes in the series. Sunnydale High is being haunted by ghosts from 1955 because the Sadie Hawkins dance is approaching. It has all the earmarks of being a cheesy one-off but the way it’s written is so meaningful to me. For one, we have Giles working through his grief of losing Jenny and assuming that the poltergeist is his lost lover. We have a fairly gruesome backstory of a murder suicide. We have some fun quirky poltergeisty affects happening in/to the school. But mostly, we have Buffy working through her own guilt about “killing” Angel. The powerful scene between Angelus and Buffy truly showcases David’s acting skills, its incredible. I can watch this episode any day/any time. I think it’s perfect.

3. Restless S4.E22

Obviously, this episode is critically acclaimed. For me, it’s also interesting every single time I watch it. I feel like I pick up on some new detail each viewing. Like for example, the last time I watched I noticed that Spike is wearing an unusual suit that wears again in Tabula Rasa- and that Giles says that Spike is like a son to him and then in Tabula Rasa — they lose their memory and Giles thinks Spike is his son. It took me three viewings to notice Principal Snyder’s guest appearance for the first time and many more then that to realize that the First Slayer was killing each of the Scoobies based on what they represented in the spell from Primeval. Honestly, the episode is full of fun little tid bits and meaningful metaphors. Plus it’s so creative, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever watched, so I always enjoy a rewatch.

2. Fool for Love S5.E7

This episode is incredible. It’s a welcome relief in S5 where I feel like skipping every single episode or fast forwarding through it all. It’s a great origin story on Spike but also it helps set the theme of a Slayer’s death wish, which we see in Buffy (who sacrifices herself at the end of this season) and in Faith (on Angel). We learn about how Spike was able to bad two slayers and we see some scenes of his time with Angel, Darla and Dru. It’s also a fun little tidbit that the actress playing “Cecily” is Halfrek and we get a sense of Spike and how his badassery is a cover, it’s rooted in insecurity culminating in Buffy telling him that he is beneath her and him crying mirroring what happened with Cecily. I think this actually really gets into who Spike is — changing into a vampire after being rejected by Cecily and going to fight for a soul for Buffy who also rejected him. I’m not even a huge Spuffy fan but I love how well this episode capture the relationship between these two and when Buffy does finally give in to Spike, it’s because she is degrading herself- which gives you so much insight into Buffy in S6. I think the other reason I love this episode is because Buffy comes close to dying (Kind of hate that Riley saves the day) but instead of sitting around feeling bad, she wants to find out how other Slayers have died and goes to find out from Spike. Spike also teaches Buffy important lessons, which I feel make her a better slayer and to which she passes on to Dawn in S7.

1. Conversations with Dead People S7.E7

Mother’s Milk Is Red Today

Ok. This is my FAVORITE episode. For one thing, it scared the crap out of me on a deeper level. Dawn being haunted by a ghost/the first…do WE EVEN FIGURE IT OUT? Plus, Willow talking to Cassie is also super freaky. I don’t care for the Andrew storyline and in fact it really upsets me that he kills Jonathan but I can say that I didn’t see it coming. Most shockingly was Spike possibly feeding again. I literally was screaming at the TV the first time I watched this episode, just dying to see what was going to happen with Spike at the same time that I was crying for Jonathan and hiding my eyes during the scenes with Dawn. Buffy and Holden provide much needed relief but they keep it interesting with callbacks to Scott Hope and lines like “I’m here to kill you, not to judge you.” I love watching this episode, it never gets old.


Bynnie & Thee Jet

Snacky lil bastard. Just doing some ADHD shit. Keepin it spooky.